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Community English Class

October 9, 2023
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Today, our community’s zero-base English class welcomed 30 eager students in Wentworth Point Community Centre and Library! In our very first lesson, we each chose our English names and confidently introduced ourselves. It’s a promising start, and just imagine the fun encounters we’ll have when we bump into each other at Coles or in the community, greeting each other in English!

A heartfelt thank you to our English teacher volunteer, Vivienne. She’s a full-time mom with an undergraduate degree in English, and she’s always been a dedicated community resident. We hope her young daughter won’t be too jealous of her mom becoming a renowned teacher in the community!

Another volunteer, Michelle is here in Australia as a tourist. In her short 10-day travel plan, she’s chosen to round off her trip by volunteering to serve our community. Tomorrow, she heads back to Shenzhen and starts her new job in Hangzhou. We wish her and her parents safe travels and can’t wait for their next visit to beautiful Sydney.

Lastly, a big thanks to library Acting Programming & Marketing Officer Anna. She did an excellent job introducing everyone to WPCCL’s facilities and all the free and low-cost activities available. Many of our students signed up for library cards on the spot, eager to start their free library adventures. This wouldn’t have been possible without Anna’s patient assistance and explanations.

So, everyone, remember to review the words and sentences we learned today. See you next week! #CommunityEnglishClass #CommunityUnity #LanguageLearning


Date: October 9, 2023


Email: sopmca.info@gmail.com