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Hiking Sydney

September 9, 2023
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Taronga Zoo to Balmoral Beach

Adventure awaits! We’re embarking on a 7 km hike, rated as easy, with an estimated duration of around 4 hours. Our journey starts at Taronga Zoo (departure from Circular Quay Wharf 4), with the stunning cityscape as our backdrop for photo ops.

First stop: Bradley’s Head Amphitheatre, a 19th-century military relic built by convicts that still stands tall today. Don’t forget to shout from the Magic Pimple for an impressive echo that only you can hear!

Lunch was hold as a picnic on the grassy Clifton Garden Reserve, a renowned fishing spot. You might even run into the friendly NDIS community BBQ nearby, where volunteers and members will warmly greet you.

For the return journey, we’ll take Bus 114 and transfer to the B1 double-decker bus, crossing the Sydney Harbour Bridge to reach Wynyard Train Station. This hike offers a fantastic blend of jungle and seaside scenery, with stunning city views—a high-value adventure you won’t want to miss! Join us now! #AdventureAwaits #HikingSydney #UninterruptedViews


时长:4小时左右,起点塔龙加动物园(circular quay渡船4号码头出发直达),city当背景板的打卡拍照点,之后参观布拉德利海德圆形剧场(Bradley’s Head Amphitheatre),这是一座阶梯式圆形剧场,19世纪囚犯建造的军事遗迹至今仍矗立在那里。站在魔法坨上大声喊话会有超大回声,且只有自己能听到!午餐在著名海钓点Clifton garden reserve草地野餐(还偶遇附近NDIS社团bbq,志愿者和社员都很热情友好的和我们打招呼say hi)。回程Balmoral Beach坐114换B1双层巴士,穿越悉尼大桥到Wynyard火车站。



Date: September 9, 2023


Email: sopmca.info@gmail.com